Sunday, November 18, 2007

You know I can't...

My sister Yan had started her school holidays for more than a week now.

I asked what's occupying her these days.

She said, "Well, I wake up at 11, potter about, go online, have lunch, watch TV, read newspaper, bake cupcakes, read my books, do my thing, dabble in art when I feel like it, and yes, lots of sleep."

I can hear her snickering in the background.

I almost slammed the phone.

Unfortunately for me, it's a Nokia 5300 Express Music slide-up phone, so I literally couldn't slam it down.

Deep breath Munny, deep breath.

"Oh I see. You know what dude, I'm done with you. Put mom on the phone."

Yes, I call my sister dude. Affectionately.

Oi, what's so funny?

I chatted with my mom.

I asked her about the upcoming holidays.

"We're thinking of going to Kuching for a few days in December. Not official, but we're planning to."

Alright, good guess, but I didn't slam the phone down. I CAN'T do that to my mom. I DON'T WANT TO do that to my mom.

Yup baby. Deep breath. Don't lash out like a mad dog.

But then again it won't be me if I said I didn't put up a sulky, sour-grape protest.

"Mmm...okay then ma, enjoy yourselves if you all do go."

Minutes later, a long lost Kuching schoolmate nudged me on MSN. She asked if I remembered her.

Course I do, Ming Yian!

We did some catching up, and she mentioned she's going home this weekend after her final paper.

"Aww, that's nice", I said.

"Yeah, mom's Ko-Lo Mee, Sarawak Laksa and Kuay Chap are waiting for me."

She inserted a grinning emoticon.

"You know you can only get these from Kuching right?"

I think that's when I lost it.

Why huh, why???

Especially when you know I can't do those stuff, have those stuff, and resist those stuff!!!!!

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