I turned 21 on Wednesday (no, it wasn't my coronation, despite what the photo suggests) and I had the pleasure of congregating those close and dear to my heart to bear witness to this historically significant occasion. Many many MANY thanks to all who
-came to my do
-bought me presents
-sang me birthday songs
-fed me yummy cakes
-sent me heart-warming cards/ecards/texts/messages on MSN
-called me up
-and above all, made my day
If you didn't find yourself nodding to any of the above, don't fret. It's still not too late to make amends by wishing me happy belated birthday!
Haha, since when did turning 21 also mean turning shameless???
One thing for sure, becoming an adult means you have to be more responsible to yourself and those around you. I had every intention of not turning up for work on Wednesday, but it was not cool leaving my colleagues at the local pharmacy where I work part-time to run the store with just two members of staff, so I went anyway. I know it is sad, but there are worse things in life than having to work on your birthday, so one can't be all that selfish, can we?
In fact, it was for the better. Tuesday was kept clear for all MPharm IIIs for no apparent reason (or maybe there was :P), so I was able to celebrate my coming of age the day before. Everyone was in high spirits coz free days are like god-sends, so that brought extra cheer my way!

We ate and drank and ate and drank. Sounded like a feast doesn't it...
Then came cake-cutting.
I guess this is the closest a Hollywood hopeful like me would ever get to feeling like a celebrity, with all the bulbs flashing and name calling...no I wasn't dreaming :) !
Myself and V then adjourned to a bar in toiwn. The plan was to bogey like it was 1999 at Reflex, but a change of plan, and also the fact that yours truly was knackered after the party (signs of old age??? Yikes!) meant we opted for a nearer venue and Fat Cats it was. A plush cocktail bar with very dim lights was my first impression, but the ambience was fitting.
It isn't rocket science to guess what you're about to ask me next, and the answer is no, I didn't come home drunk. Not even close. And never will I be. I like defying the norm :P

See, the thing about alcohol is that it makes me sleepy, and some might even say giggly (though I beg to differ as handsome men have that sort of effect on me as well lol), so after one glass I was almost a goner. I had untroubled sleep that night though, which was an excellent birthday gift for myself!
That was Tuesday night.

On Wednesday evening, L, D and I went to Cafe Jazz to catch a gig by Two-Plus, some 4-man band who, I have to say, justified commanding a full house, though none of us were expecting that.
Yes, jazz. And I like it very much, may I add.
It is the first time I've attended a live jazz gig and it was cool to go on my birthday. And guess what were we up to...

Kudos to L and D who brought a deck of cards with them. It was super chilled-out. Cosy setting, relaxing music, amiable company, a good game of "chor tai di" and thundering laughters made it a thoroughly enjoyable night out.
I might not be able to recall the last time I was this happy, but I know I won't have any trouble remembering this in years to come.
Thank you so very much!
p/s: Before you start to think I'm some self-absorbed peahen who likes wearing tiaras, that cannot be further from the truth...it was in fact a present from my floormates who said they were going to pull me into shreds if I decided not to wear it. But then again they went ahead and did it anyway...almost :)

Now I can bring you go "hic hic" without getting into trouble aye? *LOL* Once again, happy birthday!
gosh Adeline is blogging....Enjoy this blogging world girl~~~ btw happy 21st again:P hahhahahha
Hey there! Told u I wanna be the first reader but sigh, I wasn't fast enough!
If you are wondering, I saw ur MSN personal message and that brought me here. *I am under offline mode, btw*
Happy Birthday again!
PS-glad that u finally set up this blog! I can know more abt ur life in UK more!
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