Was on a day trip to Bournemouth today. Before everyone questions my motive and timing (when there's like a million courseworks & dissertation to submit in the next 2 weeks), I must declare that I went there for official reasons (it is 3 1/2 hrs away from Cardiff by train, and if I had wanted to go on a secret rendezvous, I would much rather choose a more convenient - and economical - location :P)
It is all to do with the summer placement with Boots. They offered me a place in Ringwood initially, but after an appeal from my side, they relented (a little) and offered me either Winton or Westbourne, both of which are in Bournemouth.

So that was why I went. To check out the store I could potentially be working and to see how the place is like in general.
It was love at first sight.
I know it's pathetic, but I have always judged a place by the number of buildings they have, and Bournemouth passed the first hurdle. Compact town with a decent number of

Apart from going there to do my survey, I also took the opportunity to catch up with a friend who I met while doing my placement at Salisbury last summer. Fil hadn't changed much since the last time we met, she's still very bubbly and chatty, which is good! Though poor girl is under a lot of stress lately coz of the pressures of Uni. So, I've been told that nursing students have to write essays too...hei hei hei, now I don't feel so bad!
All in all, it was a good day out for me. Too bad time was pressing, otherwise, I would have walked about in town for longer, and let Bournemouth impress me more than it already has! Oh, did I mention there's this lush garden (comparable to the ones in London) in the middle of town? A place you can go to de-stress when the pressure knob turns higher. It makes the place very serene and calm. Third cheer for Bournemouth!
Oklah, don't say I talk down Cardiff lah, we do have our own Bute Park and Roath Park...which you non-Cardiff folks must not miss!
Or rather, I have to make more use of...jogging anyone?
YUP Jogging at 7:30am tmr in Bute Park. cu then :P:P:P:P:P
To whom do I owe this honour? Don't shy shy lah...leave your name mah!
heh heh just wanna make another comment. [see previous post for my first comment at ur lovely blog]
am going to add u into my friends list (in my blog), so make sure you do the same! hahaha.
exams in one day's time... off to study~ tata~
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