It may only be 10% of my project but still, the perfectionist that is moi will never think that. Which is a problem.
Overall it was ok though could have answered the questions better. As always...
Not sure how I fared in the eyes of the lecturers who assessed me, but a few pointers for the future...
a) Stick with a light background when making Powerpoint shows / posters etc. Nothing is more annoying that not being able to read what's on the slides! (Don't think mine was that bad but having seen 100 odd posters, I feel the best ones are usually those with light backgrounds).
b) Keep it simple. I think what I rued the most was the fact that I tried too hard to impress the assessor. I was firing too much scientific jargon at him and the poor guy couldn't handle it. He was lost halfway through and I wasn't sure who was more embarrassed. Him or me.
c) Learn how to make technology work for me! It's painfully frustrating when you have ideas you want to execute but couldn't because of techinical incapacity!

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