Friday, March 14, 2008


I was chatting with one of my ex-Uni Hall mates on MSN the other day and he asked after me.

"Hmm, not so good lah."

"But the Adeline I know is always happy-clappy!"

OMG, my eyes almost popped out.

While I cringe to have people know me as moody, temperamental, quick-tempered and "short-circuit way to easy" (all of which I am and I know you'll agree without a doubt haha!) , I was more than happy to discover that wrong impressions may not be such a bad thing after all...

Jeff, I know you're not a good liar but thanks for that anyway. You certainly made Wednesday!


Anonymous said...

You are not as "moody, temperamental, quick-tempered and "short-circuit way to easy" " as you claim to be la. You have a strong sense of humour, so you do come across as a "happy-clappy" person!

Munny said...

Haha, wait till you see that part of me...