Tuesday, January 01, 2008

West Coast of Western Europe Pt 1

Ha. People laugh at my collecting receipts, entrance tickets, boarding passes etc. Things they call JUNK.

But at times like this when you struggle to recollect the things you did on a trip or where you've gone to visit, they do come in handy!

I won't dwell too much on what I did, where I went and bombard you with too many pictures (because I know the pictures won't mean anything to anyone but the people in it, so I shall spare you that).

I'll just throw in some of my observations, thoughts sparked off by quirky little things that happened, and (haha I know you're waiting for this) how many leng chais I've met along the way...


1st Stop: Paris

2 words.


As beautiful as the city is, winter there is unbearable. I was in 4 layers and still, was close to being hypothermic. That's bad.

But let not the cold take anything away from gay Paris, the fashion capital, a title it truly deserves! Man, the ladies here are so well dressed. I mean chic, classy, elegant you get the picture. Not tracksuits or sweat pants with tacky bling-bling. You see this quite a lot you-know-where...

We reached Paris rather early in the morning, a crisp morning with the sun out not too long after we arrived at Beauvais Airport. An expensive bus ride to Palace de Maillot and we were in town. Till today, I still chide myself for not learning an extra few French words because it was hard communicating in English over there. *eyes rolling* You know, the whole French pride thing. Some people just refuse to speak to you in English even though they could. I know they can because even my grandparents know how to count in English and say "left", "right", "walk straight", "5 minutes", "oh bus? You take here" etc, so don't tell me the guai los can't?

Also, it's ironic that the only French words I know aren't appropriate to be used, at all!

Hint: Lady Marmalade :)

According to the (messy) travel log I kept, the Arc de Triumph was followed by Champs Elysees, Grand Palace, Petit Palace, Concorde, The Louvre Museum and Eiffel Tower at night. Speaking of the Eiffel Tower, it was certainly a historic venue because: a) that was where the Ultimate Eiffel Tower Sucker Group was formed and b) I survived the extreme cold temperatures to which I've never been exposed before!!!

UETSG was a joke among the 4 of us (Jesse, KC, Kwang Chear and moi) for being, as the name implies, suckers for the Eiffel Tower. First we bought cheaplak souvenirs at the Louvre, and then kiddy little glowing Eiffel Towers that captured our gullible imagination. And when at the entrance, we decided we were going to go all the way up to the top even if it meant we would have been set back by almost 12 Euros.

All for being so in love with a tower. Gawd.

Nonetheless, the view up there was amazing . It's hard to see from pictures, but do take my word for it!

The Louvre Museum was oh so huge. Though not one to appreciate art, I paid 9 Euros through my nose for entrance fee solely to see Leonardo's muse, amongst other things. The things that I do to be "cultured" eh...

Mona Lisa was a little disappointing if you ask me, coz there was no way you could get a close up view. Security was tight around the museum's prized possession and the painting was so small (at least smaller than what I pictured it to be) that some people even suggested it was the fake one!

After that, we walked along the Seine river, mentally taking in the romantic view from the embankment and wishing that a special someone was here...

Ok Munny, speak yourself and no one else!

We walked passed Hotel De Ville (haha, as much as I appreciate your humour, it's not where Cruella stayed), the Pantheon and Luxembourg Garden and went into Notre Dame Cathedral.

Apparently duck dishes are famous in France, so that's what we had on our second night. Foie grais, magret, confit de canard. Not forgetting creme brulee too! I would happily eat escargot for every meal but erm, these stuff are too pricey for a snail! Then there's also french crepes and pattiserie to satisfy all the sweet tooths around...

On our last and final day, we went to Sacre Couer and later posed at the entrance of Moulin Rouge.


You wish!

A trip to La Fayette (the Harrods/Selfridge of Paris) completed the city for the 4 from Glasgow, while Joyce, Adeline and I (there were 2 Adelines on the trip) stayed on another night before flying out to Barcelona the next morn.

To be continued...

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