Say What You Want (Texas)
"You can say what you want but it wont change my mind"
Laminated list.
In no particular order, they are:
Matthew Metzger
It wasn't just his choice of song ("When I See You Smile") at the American Idol (season 3) audition that had me. It was his personal goal in life - "To someday be the best husband and father the world has ever seen" - that swept me off my feet.
Alright alright, I know some of you are gonna argue that it's double the number of what is "allowed" on the laminated list, but hey, that's the beauty of the Dream Team you see. No restrictions, no bumping off the list, no order or ranking... :)
Have you one of your own?
This topic (made popular by Friends) cropped up several times during offhand conversations with my girly pals, and upon reflection, I realised I've always given different answers each time I've been asked. Tsk tsk, how typical :) The thought of making it official is hence the reason for this post. Except I wouldn't call it the laminated list, seeing how I don't quite agree with some technicalities of the definition...Anyway, I'll just name it the Dream Team. People who make me dream my life away (and hence should be prosecuted by the Time Management Inspectors for seriously damaging Miss Tan's productivity =P...)
Oh Adeline, just cut the crap.
In no particular order, they are:
Michael Vartan

I mean, seriously, what was Jennifer Garner thinking when she dumped him for Ben Affleck?
Ethan Hawke 

He comes, he sees, he knees!
Matthew Metzger

Aww, isn't this is sooooo Adeline???
David Robert Joseph Beckham
He needs no introduction, nor pictorial justification.
But here's how sweet a couple we would make if I know how to super-impose my face onto Posh's one...

Jose Mourinho

Yes, okay, I know. I'm an Arsenal fan, I'm not supposed to be looking at Chelsea players. But that doesn't include the (ex-)manager, does it?
Dermot Mulroney

Like how wine tastes better with time, Dermot looks finer with time...
Alex Yoong
I defy any hot-blooded female not to be moved by this heart-stopping picture...phoawar!

Shia LaBeouf

Please Shia, drive me home in Bumblebee, every night!
Sean Penn

You wouldn't have understood it even if you tried, so don't bother ;)
Fredrik Ljungberg

Erm, yeah. The man, is, erm ________
*pls insert the highest superlative you can think of for I have been rendered speechless*
Pierce Brosnan
The dream team is NEVER complete without an Irish Charmer!

Alright alright, I know some of you are gonna argue that it's double the number of what is "allowed" on the laminated list, but hey, that's the beauty of the Dream Team you see. No restrictions, no bumping off the list, no order or ranking... :)
OK FINE. I'm fickle. I'm indecisive. Happy?
NO words
NO superlatives
GOOD taste :P
GREAT list
Well Feli, thanks for the generous comment :) But it's not like I own them you see...sighhhhhhhhhh......
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