Never really bothered with tags before but since Eunice tagged and called me Miss Cardiff University, Adeline is very flattered and honoured (cheh perasan-nya ku ni!!!). Sigh, why is it that Cardiff Uni doesn't have a beauty pagaent...
What were you doing 10 years ago?
- Moved from Kuching back to hometown of PJ. Sat for UPSR exams. Had a crush on a classmate. Wore the most studious specs you could ever imagine. Started learning about puberty. Sang along to Wannabe. Followed almost all Chicago Bulls games.
What was I doing 1 year ago?
- Pining for a very panjang and kacak Mat Salleh...
Five snacks you enjoy:
- Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Crisps / Keropok
- Fake Oreo (my sis and I call it 'fake' coz mom buys cheaplak Oreo from wet market but hey, they taste as good if not better!)
- Lindt Dark Choc
- Waffles / pancakes
Five songs that you know all the lyrics to:
5 only ar, how can? That's literally undermining my ability!
- How Do I Live (LeAnn Rimes)
- Always Be My Baby (Mariah Carey)
- Because You Loved Me (Celine Dion)
- As Long As You Love Me (BSB)
- I'll Be (Edwin McCain)
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
Well, it depends on how many millions I have...
If it's 1 million, see 1 and 2
If it's a few million, see 1, 2 and 3
If it's millions that one can easily lose count, see all
1. Dump money into the TAN family's bank account to buy whatever their hearts desire
2. Make sure I don't go back to being a non-millionaire
3. Bring Malaysian food closer to those abroad, at all cost!
4. Provide decent sanitation and healthcare to the poor around the globe
5. Build up Malaysia's infrastructure by contributing to national funds
Look at how much thought I've put into this...way before I'm even a thousand-aire!
Five bad habits:
- I moan (a lot)
- I sulk (a lot)
- I say lah (a lot)
- I worry (a lot)
- I perasan (a lot)
Five things you like doing:
- Dreaming about pretty boys
- Meeting new people, catching up with old pals
- Seeing the world, experiencing new cultures
- Stuffing myself with yummylicious food
- Playing with cute little children (and once they cry, I'll fly!)
Five things you would never wear again:
- Trousers that don't fit
- Red Lipstick
- School Shoes
- Blue Pinnafore!
- Super long earrings!
Five favourite toys:
Not really a toy person, so cannot think of 5...Johnny Boy and Mary-Anne are my 2 and only teddy bears my chance to tag people...hmmm...
Xin Yi, Felicia, Shin Kit, Sook Meng and Joyce...what say you?
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