Tuesday, May 01, 2007

You Must Be KIDDing Me

A pharm mate and I went to see Dr EK yesterday about 4th year project titles for next year.

Not that I really want to work with Dr EK coz as most pharmys know, she can be tetchy and sarcastic. This is THE lecturer who - prior to giving her one and only lecture to us back in Year 1 - laid down ground rules and said things like "you can go and ask your 3rd yr seniors, they'll tell you I'm mean, and I am".

Man, who would come into a class and say things like that? Dr EK, naturally.

But her titles are interesting. 2 on Alzheimers and 1 on bone cells. I don't know if I'll choose her as my supervisor at the end of the day, but I have to admit that  her projects "had me at hello".

We talked a bit about choosing our research area - there are 4 : Pharmacology, Medicinal Chemistry, Health and Medicine, and Drug Delivery - and how they will do the allocation and all the rest of it.

Speaking of allocation, she confirmed that it was going to be down to exam marks, which we both thought was only fair.

She then asked us how we did last year, and we told her we did ok. Borderline 1st class. But before we could reaffirm that we aim to repeat the feat this year - if not do better - she dropped the bombshell.

"Well, be prepared that your marks are gonna fall. You might get a first class last year but they are usually lower in the 3rd year."

Oh Dr E, tell me you're KIDDing?!

But I have to prove her wrong. There's no other way.

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