Saturday, May 26, 2007

Bugged. Literally.

I have just found out - while doing my Sophos clean up scan recently - that a virus was under quarantine.

According to the report, it came from my USB drive, which I could do nothing about because there's no way I can locate that damn folder in which the stupid worm was happily infesting before it sighted my squeaky clean laptop.

And I can't delete it either, because only the administrators (ie Uni Comp Service) have such functions. We don't.

Was thinking of backing my files up before they get corrupted, but the CDs a friend got me aren't working. Nero is always telling me to change to a new disc half way through the burning process citing reasons suggesting incompatibility . So out of the 10 she got me, 7 have been rendered faulty in the span of say 2 hours last night?

It's really tearing me apart thinking how that damn worm is eating my hard disk space away by the second. Everytime I check My Computer, the memory declines. Even after clearing every junk I could possibly dispose of, it's still going down.

Another friend suggested reinstalling my OS, but I haven't got my CD with me, and please, in the middle of my exams? I haven't got time!

Bringing it to the Comp Service is going to be just as bad because they're gonna need my OS CD to reinstall everything. And worse still, I heard it's gonna set me back about 40 quid.

The worse bit?

It's not even my own doing that had landed my precious baby into this mess.

It's like contracting a nasty cold from your room mate when you are already pretty run down, and facing the worst exams ever. What is a girl to do?

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