This week, like the past 20 weeks since the start of 3rd year, has been suffocating. Been busy with uni work, uni work, AND uni work. Oh, have I mentioned UNI WORK?
So much so I've been skipping meals of late...
Well, okay, maybe not entirely. I should probably rephrase "skipping meals" with snacking, before everyone else starts lecturing me on the importance of healthy eating, especially mama dearest!
I have been eating, rest assured, just that it's not such wholesome food. I usually have rice for dinner, complete with meat and veg but lately it's been conveniently substituted with crisps, biscuits, cereal bar, Kit Kat (er gotta finish them soon coz they're all expiring in March) and yes, chocolate cake last night, which in my defense couldn't be helped due to circumstances. It was a floormate's birthday and we celebrated her big day with a self-baked choc chip cake. Imagine the guilt after the 2 slices that I greedily helped myself with!
Frankly speaking, I don't think it's hecticness that has driven me to such measures, it's also the very baffling "what should I eat?" decision that I find troublesome to make. God forgive me for being such a brat, I mean there are millions of people out there dying of starvation and here I am, complaining about WHAT to eat, honestly Adeline, get a grip.
But it is a tough call don't you think, especially for someone who's not a good cook in the first place...

Wuu-huu, sick of eating bread dee lah...day in day out sarnie... *shudder*...such is the ang moh lunch culture for ya...*sob sob* give me wan tan mee, hokkien mee, chee cheong fun, rojak, nasi lemak, chap fan, and my mom's cooking, which is what I missed the most, above everything else!
p/s: Any simple and healthy lunch/dinner ideas I can try out?
Here's a great website you can refer to if you dunno what to cook. The site owner is a Taiwanese student studying in UK, so perhaps you will find her recipes very relevant! Have fun!
ermmm...my 2 cents...
healthy = go organic
simple = go fastfood/indomie
so, you want healthy or simple? lolz.
After I clicked publish your comment I paused and thought, ehh did I paste the link here ah? obviously I didn't so here you go: http://blog.xuite.net/iq943/recipe
Thanks girls...will check out the website and try the new ideas when I have the time.
Shin Kit, the weather is freezing enough as it is, no need to pour cold water lah!
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