Monday, March 26, 2007

Silly Billy

I went to the post office in town today, and while I was around that area, I decided to pop into Cardiff market to buy some ginger.

Time check. 4.58pm.

There weren't many stalls left who were still open. I hurriedly made my way to the grocery stall and picked my ginger.

"11 pence then please."

I opened my purse, and dug all the coins that I had.

Hmm, 8p.

I deftly zipped the coins compartment and fished out a fiver. Ha, I could give him 1p on top of that so that he'll only have to give me back 4.90 instead of 4.89. Brilliant.

"Here you go."

He looked at me.

"You're joking lass."


"I've cashed up now. Ain't got any change."

Yikes. "I don't have any change too."

He walked away to serve the other customer, and seconds later came back to me. Staring in my face.

"Erm, do you know where I could probably get some change for a fiver?" Stupid question but I WANT MY GINGER.

He raised his voice. "Do I like look I'm a mind reader?"

I was expecting him to say "Well, try old John on the opposite aisle" or "how much have you got?".

Not this.

Stunned, I gave my 2 cents. "Well, it's not my fault I don't have any change!"

"So it's my fault then? Yada yada yada"

I didn't hear the rest of it. I walked away.

In hindsight, I had nothing to lose (except to go home without my ginger), but he lost a customer. And many more too, if he's not careful.


Anonymous said...

Oh god how I hate bad customer service. Had been experiencing very bad Internet connection, so I left a msg to the service provider (thru SMS) and lodged a complaint. they get back to me on Monday and the guy was very arrogant.

on the same night, the connection died again. I called the number and the call was cut off as soon as I said I can't connect to the Internet. I then sms the number, saying, "pls get back to me. I can't connect to the internet."

no reply.

Bro tried to call again and this time the guy said our modem is faulty and he will send someone over the next day.

a few hours later I get their reply: "pls identify urself by indicating ur username"


I called u, and u cut off my line (I assume one la hahah), then I sms u right away, then my bro called u using the same handphone, and u still need me to identify myself???????????

and today no one came over to check and the internet is back. I thought my modem is rosak?????

hahaha, I am using ur blog to vent my anger. paisehnya!

Munny said...

The truth is, I understood why he was in a hurry and all (as the ppl here are quite particular about finishing on time), but can't he just be a little more polite? I was almost tempted to say, "You? A mind reader? Nah, I'd only have you down as a veg seller, nothing more." But then I remembered. Karma, Adeline. Karma.

Btw, hope ur connection is better now. The customer service back home is, haha, you know I know lah. It's one of those things we ought to improve on if we are to be a developed nation.

Also, have you received the tix I sent you?