Haha, so wish it was. Good thing the place is actually 5 1/2 hours from Cardiff by train , if not I would have gone back like a 100 times!
Anyway, this B is for Bristol.
Yup, I was there once upon a time. To do my first Boots placement to be exact. At a store in Shirehampton, a residential village-y town 35 mins from Bristol.
Went there with Sola today for an open day at the Bristol Royal Infirmary Hospital. Some hospital pharmacies actually hold afternoons like these to give potential pre-reg students a tour of the department as well as using the chance to promote their pre-reg program, and clarify any questions we might have for them.
Modest is how I would describe the BRI, and the pharmacy department. Not particularly impressive, but can't say anything bad about it either. Just average I suppose. Met a couple of Bath Uni students there too, and I won't be surprised if these are the people I would be pitted against for a pre-reg place not very far from now.
3rd year is a bit of a limbo year if you ask me. One on hand, I can't wait to finish, but at the same time, I wish I could stay in this buffered environment for longer, when all I need to think about is "when is the deadline for this coursework?" or "how should I attempt this question in PHxxxx module". None of those confusing application submissions or serious decision-makings of "where am I going to go in the future". Yes, that doesn't sound very adult of me but hey, if I can't rant on my blog, where else can I do that?
Ok ok, don't stress.
Let's look at some old-pics of yours truly when she was here 2 years ago...

Adam - my [very fit] pharmacy tutor and me
Me at some waterfall steps in town, near the waterfront...argh, my big hair!
If only I had the time to go round these places again, I would have been able to take some pictures and make a "then and now" feature. Oh well, the timing didn't permit, and with the artic weather that we have been blessed with this week, I just couldn't wait to get back to Aberdare Hall where I can restore my normal body temperature. So right after we finished (which was about 4.30pm), we went straight to Temple Meads to catch the train back. Was also a shame I didn't get to meet my A-level mate despite sounding so excited on the text last night...apologies Thibs, I'm sure there'll be another time. Remember, Cardiff awaits you!
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