Monday, February 26, 2007
A Prayer Answered...
Got my results today and it was a relief.
Ordinarily, I don't think I would have been satisfied if I got a mark that's short of a first class, but considering I didn't do as well as I should have in the theory paper, I really couldn't ask for more.
Oh well, never mind, I still have the other 5 modules in May to bring it to par, which I will!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
The Carling Cup final was held at the Millennium stadium and it was a London derby between Arsenal and Chelsea.
Ironic as it is, I am in Cardiff and yet I couldn't make my way into the stadium and watch the match live all because tickets were sold via clubs and not through the stadium box office, and so lay people like me who live on a tight budget and isn't a loyalty member of any clubs had to resort to watching it at the taff. But it wasn't bad at all (except for the bunch of chain-smoking uncles) because it was like a mini-Arsenal ground, with not a Chelsea fan in sight!
Arsenal started off the game very well, much to Chelsea's surprise and the former deserved to take the lead 20 mins into the match when Theo Walcott drove home a fantastic Michael Owen-resembling goal. The entire bar erupted into a roar with grown men hugging one another and I just sat there, trying to take in both the elation and the comic at the same time. I say comic because these were the same people who were cheering on Arsenal's young team with things like "'go on kids", and "show them how football should be played" etc. That really had me in stitches.
But the joy was short-lived, as Drogba pulled one back for Chelsea with a goal scored from a debatable offside position. While I understood the offside rule at the most basic level imaginable, I'd much rather abstain from commenting on this one. *aiyar, that means I don't know lah*
It was as if the young ones had ran out of steam, for Chelsea got the better of them with Drogba scoring another goal (in the 2nd half) to seal off victory for the Blues. Poor John Terry (who's been struggling with mobility and pace all throughout the match) had been knocked unconscious during one of the corner-defending moments by Diaby, who, in a flurry of lightning reflexes, gave Terry a blow to the head with his studded boots and er, yes, you get the picture. Rehma, Darsh and I jokingly said (while the paramedics were busy attending to Terry) that they should just send him to the Heath hospital and if they needed directions, we could help. Yeah, just a bunch of sour grapes talking.
Truth be told, I didn't feel bad (at all) that Arsenal lost, because the team had a lot to be proud of. But the match ended on such a bad note that at one point I felt so ashamed to be a supporter of the Gunners. Toure, captain of today's team, had a go at one of the Chelsea lads for pulling his shirt and holding him back while dribbling. Before we knew it, a brawl ensued. Fabregas (who I've been telling anyone who would listen as "my man") actually went in to calm players down but ended up having a heated argument with Frank Lampard who had to be led away by others. We didn't even know what was going on and the next thing we saw was that both the managers were already on the pitch trying to control their players and calm things down. Basically, it just went downhill from there and the ref eventually red-carded 3 players and gave Cesc and Frank a yellow each for not keeping their temper in check.
And these are senior players who should be showing a good example? How shameful!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Feb15 - Feb 24
Before you start to think I did an Amelia Earheart, this is a chronicle of what I've been up to in the past 10 days...
...I have been to Southampton and celebrated CNY away from Cardiff. Went there on Friday evening and spent the weekend with my ex-classmate Jennifer who I hadn't seen in 5 years!
Southampton is a thriving and energetic city by the port. One of Soton's many historical claims to fame is that it was where Titanic made its maiden voyage. They even had a museum showcasing everything Titanic-related, which geek centrals and trivial people like me found quite interesting ;P. We went to the harbour on Saturday morning, followed by a visit to the shops in town and West Quay shopping mall (as well as Asda on many occasions, during which Jen introduced me to peanut butter Kit Kat!) before heading back home to Swaythling, where Jen resides. Later in the day, I was also given a very comprehensive tour of the Soton Uni campus and found the entire complex rather modern and somewhat futuristic. The "fish tank" at Jubilee Sports Complex is the perfect place to leng-chai spot! From there, we went further to a Roath Park lookalike near Jen's house and had a relaxing afternoon stroll along the river. One of the most bizzare incidents that happened during our walk in the park was this dog who came from behind and gave the bend of my knee a bite. Thank God I was wearing thick jeans and went away unscathed!
Stupid dog, why did you do that for? Was that your way of lamenting Feb 17 as the last day of your year? Hokay, so what was I supposed to do about that?! It was funny how I didn't scream for England considering I'm never comfortable near dogs. Jen blamed it on my slow reflex which I whole-heartedly agree.
All of us were looking forward to the Reunion Dinner. One of Jen's housemate (Xiao Xiao) had her mom over for New Year so we were fortunate to have tasted Xiao Ma Ma's renowned dumpling dish (jiao zhi). Everyone had fun making dumplings and that added to the new year spirit. Geraldine, another of Jen's friend even had CNY songs playing in the background so that felt very much like home, even though we're 6600 miles away! I lost count of the number of people who congregated at Jen's house for dinner that night but it was very atmospheric. It was a pleasant change of environment for me because majority of them were mainland Chinese people, which meant I had to put on my best Mandarin, which isn't very good to be honest. I got tongue-tied pretty much in every sentence, but aiyar, they understand me means can should see the puzzled looks on their faces when the 4 Malaysians speak to one another - a mish-mash of English, cha-pa-lang Mandarin, Canto, Malay, Hokkien all rolled into one!
As usual, Sunday came without prompting (much to my annoyance because I had a great time at Soton). And yes, I hear you, time flies when you're having fun. Anyway, many many thanks to Jen for her thoroughly wonderful hospitality! Couldn't ask for a better host!
In the last 10 days, I've also celebrated Shrove Tuesday / Mardi Gras although I was mainly there for the food :). Apparently, Shrove Day is 40 days and 40 nights before Easter minus the Saturdays leading to the big day, and since it's more commonly known as Pancake Day, that's what I'll remember it as. In fact, Nicola - my floormate who loves baking - actually took the effort of making pancakes for everyone on the floor so we had a great time drowning ourselves in pancakes. So much so this greedy girl suffered from indigestion after that. Argh :(
The rest of the time was spent preparing for a hospital interview that I've been asked by Worthing Hospital to attend on Thursday, all the way in Brighton. Aiyar, don't shake your head and tsk lah, I didn't go there for fun, I went there on business!
When I was first told of the venue, I almost wanted to say no because it's an f-ing 4 and 1/2 hours from Cardiff, and if you multiply it by 2 for the to and fro journey, that's 9 hours of butt being stationary on the bus/coach. So, you think it's fun? Think twice before you chide me about going to Brighton, again!
As much as I hated the long journey, I couldn't say no. It was (one of my) only chances of getting a hospital placement this summer and I wasn't gonna let the long ride get in my way. But it was a high price to pay for a hospital offer though. Poor Adeline had to skip all lectures on Thursday to leave Cardiff at 9am so to reach Brighton in time for a 2.20pm interview, after which she had to endure another 4 and 1/2 bus+train ride to reach Cardiff at 10.30pm to get enough rest so that she could attend lectures the next morning. And if that wasn't bad enough, she had been set back 40 quid for all the train and coach tickets! Wuu-huu, literally blood, sweat and tears...
The interview was alright I guess. I think I did ok (considering the vast amount of effort I put in prior to it) and fingers crossed they'd be impressed to give me a place.
I left the hospital at 3pm, and I wasn't due to take the train back until 6pm, so what's a girl to do? Weather was horribly wet that entire day (across the UK I'd say), so that put me off going to the seafront or even the shops. Decided to call up my friend Nickson and he dragged Andrew along (his fellow coursemate cum flatmate) to go for a cuppa at Costa coffee at the Laines. I was surprised to find that they didn't have any classes, but upon further probing, they said they did have a lecture at 5-6, but they weren't planning on going because the lecturer sucked and I was a good reason for them to skive. Pah, what a bunch of t**ts, using me as an excuse! Nonetheless, I had a lovely time yakking, yakking and yakking. I wish we could just sit there and talk for England but we all know that's a lot to ask!
Reached Cardiff safe and sound on Thursday night and Friday just came and go *snap*, like that.
I thought I'd give myself a break after such a hectic week, so I went and book a ticket for a comedy show at St David's Hall on Friday evening at 7.30pm (yes Sola, that's where I was heading to when I bumped into you at the staircase, not some hot date you think it was!).
You see, what happened was I received a newsletter from New Theatre about this comedy show called Defending the Caveman on Friday itself, and since they offer ReAct members (which I am one) discounted tickets at 5GBP, I thought why not just go for it. Actually went alone coz it was a last-minute thing, and no one was particularly interested in a comedy, so yeah, these are times a singleton sometimes think "hmm, I could probably do with a man?" :P
Anyway, the show is a smash hit comedy about men and women, and it lived true to its billing of being a hysterical take on lives, loves and relationships. Basically, a manifestation of "men are from mars, women are from venus" in a comedy show. I'm really glad I went for it and had my funny bone tickled consistently for almost 2 and 1/2 hours with wise-cracking, "how come I never thought of it that way" jokes and funny anecdotes. It gave me a whole new perspective of men to say the very least!
So yup, that was a whirlwind 10 days for me. And oh, it doesn't stop there, I have a whole load of practical write-ups, time-tests and presentations to be working (and worrying) on so wish me luck!
Any supply of energy is much appreciated!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
February 14
To some people it's a yes, but for me, it's definitely a NO. IMHO, February 14 is just another day on the calendar!
Ok maybe I'm being too cynical. Too un-commercialised. :)
Logged onto MSN to ask for help from a friend and lo and behold, I received a few "Happy Valentine's Day" messages (much to my annoyance). I guess it's because a) I don't believe in it, and b) it doesn't mean a thing to me, so when these people greeted me with that, I reacted rather violently!
To quote dear Brandon, who kena the most (out of the lot) for wishing me Happy V Day...
"oh come on couzie, could you just, for the spirit of the occasion, accept my valentine's greeting? You're getting on my nerves!"
Ok, the last bit he didn't say but kinda implied it, no?
Another friend then said, "so, anything planned for tonight?"
I said yes.
He excitedly replied, "ooh, let's hear it (then inserted a very cunning-looking emoticon)"
"I'm going to watch the next DVD LoveFilm is sending me."
To which he said, "well, at least you're not as pathetic as I am, online-ing on Valentine's night."
Before I could say "I too am online on Valentine's Day so what is your point?", he intercepted with "but actually, it's not that bad, at least I get to celebrate V day with many more people."
Well said Cody, well said.
Later in the evening, I went and checked for my Lovefilm parcel. Was kinda hoping it won't be any romantic comedies but as luck would have it, they sent me Romeo and Juliet.
Cupid, is that your doing? What, sending me a teaser before the real thing?
Well, you better act fast because I'm soon going to be suing you for negligence. I have a few friends nearing the end of their law degrees so you watch out!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Rub of the green?
For some inexplicable reason, I seem to gravitate towards green of late. Like I never have before!
Hmm, just a thought...
If green is the colour of the pharmacy cross , so could my new-found liking for it be a result of my being very into the course and profession?
Haha, a plausible cause and effect!
Yes yes, I think the green wire in me must have fused to give this short circuit. Yikes...
Monday, February 12, 2007
Fairy tale? Fabricated tale more like...
Monday you may waver between two different lifestyle choices, jobs, or love interests. Sleep on it, as Tuesday should bring some clarity to your heart and mind. If you are single, you might even meet someone new. Mercury goes retrograde, however, so confirm all your appointments and dates, especially your big Valentine's Day reservations. Friday is a good day to put your thoughts on paper or in a computer journal. Just don't share them with anyone yet. Saturday you may reach a new level of understanding with a sibling or close relative. Sunday you might get a new roommate.
Mon: "Waver between jobs or love interests?"
- I have neither!
Tues: "Clarity to the heart and mind?"
- Hokay, we'll see...
Wed: "Confirm all my appointments and dates, especially my BIG Valentine's Day reservations?"
- Oh yeah, HAR HAR. Is that hunky guy supposed to come out from the magician's hat? Coz I've been looking around the entire universe and solar system and still don't see him (incidentally, which is bigger, universe or solar system?)
Fri: Right, so you want me to put my thoughts on paper or in a computer journal huh...I'm away on Friday, so I'm afraid it's a no go mate...
Sat: "Reach a new level of understanding with a sibling or close relative"...yeah but I already understand my sister very well thank you...and my other relatives have their lives to get on with so leave them (and me) alone!
Sun: Ooh, so I might have a NEW roommate on Sunday. Ah yes, I can see that happening. In Aberdare Hall. 120 rooms of SINGLE occupancy. Or did they mean the squeaking rat that's been hovering around the hidden corners of my room? Come on out Mr Mouse, you deserve a proper introduction!
*sharp inhalation*
Why am I so acidic today?
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Snow White...
To borrow the words from the headlines today, many parts of Britain have been "crippled" by snow, and Cardiff was not spared.
Apparently it started snowing at 1ish last night which I only got to know this morning (hey Alex, thanks for the text). Heard my floormates banging on each other's doors to go out and 'play', but sleepy ahead Adeline was too knackered to be excited about snow. It's funny how I was so subdued considering this is a natural phenomenon uncommon to my part of the world, and I should be the one screaming up and down the hallway and not my Russian floormate who is used to snow like a Malaysian is used to rain!
Seriously Natalia...
Anyway, it's nice to see snow again. Makes me feel upbeat about winter finally coming to an end, and spring is just round the corner!

View of Queen Anne Square from my room

Can you spot the 2 snowmen?
The cyclepath at King Edward VII Avenue looking so picturesque for once...
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Chapter B Revisited
Haha, so wish it was. Good thing the place is actually 5 1/2 hours from Cardiff by train , if not I would have gone back like a 100 times!
Anyway, this B is for Bristol.
Yup, I was there once upon a time. To do my first Boots placement to be exact. At a store in Shirehampton, a residential village-y town 35 mins from Bristol.
Went there with Sola today for an open day at the Bristol Royal Infirmary Hospital. Some hospital pharmacies actually hold afternoons like these to give potential pre-reg students a tour of the department as well as using the chance to promote their pre-reg program, and clarify any questions we might have for them.
Modest is how I would describe the BRI, and the pharmacy department. Not particularly impressive, but can't say anything bad about it either. Just average I suppose. Met a couple of Bath Uni students there too, and I won't be surprised if these are the people I would be pitted against for a pre-reg place not very far from now.
3rd year is a bit of a limbo year if you ask me. One on hand, I can't wait to finish, but at the same time, I wish I could stay in this buffered environment for longer, when all I need to think about is "when is the deadline for this coursework?" or "how should I attempt this question in PHxxxx module". None of those confusing application submissions or serious decision-makings of "where am I going to go in the future". Yes, that doesn't sound very adult of me but hey, if I can't rant on my blog, where else can I do that?
Ok ok, don't stress.
Let's look at some old-pics of yours truly when she was here 2 years ago...

Adam - my [very fit] pharmacy tutor and me
Me at some waterfall steps in town, near the waterfront...argh, my big hair!
If only I had the time to go round these places again, I would have been able to take some pictures and make a "then and now" feature. Oh well, the timing didn't permit, and with the artic weather that we have been blessed with this week, I just couldn't wait to get back to Aberdare Hall where I can restore my normal body temperature. So right after we finished (which was about 4.30pm), we went straight to Temple Meads to catch the train back. Was also a shame I didn't get to meet my A-level mate despite sounding so excited on the text last night...apologies Thibs, I'm sure there'll be another time. Remember, Cardiff awaits you!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Fly our Jalur Gemilang up high!
Mmm, can't wait to see the black and white kebaya designed by Bernard Chandran!
On a completely separate note, this article caught my attention today during my daily inspection of The Star Online...
Hug your wives for prosperity
PENANG: Married men, take note. Your wife is your “Prosperity God” and the more you hug her, the more prosperous you will get.
Taiwanese feng shui master Yu Yang has this tip for those who wish to usher in good fortune during the Year of the Pig. But for it to work, wives have to cooperate.
“Men, hug your wives more; and women, do not turn down the loving hugs,” Yu advised during her feng shui talk show at Queensbay Mall here.
Brought in by Astro AEC, Yu also gave some simple advice to improve the feng shui of a house.
She advised against carrying out renovations, even minor ones like nailing the wall, at three areas – the northwest, southeast and centre of the house.
“The centre of the house is where the chi is and the place should not be cluttered with things, for they will block one’s fortune and cause disharmony,” she explained.
She suggested some warm lighting – not too bright or too dim – for this area to create a cosy and comfortable ambience.
“Also be nice to everyone and always say good things as these will help improve luck,” she advised.
For those born under the different Chinese zodiac signs, Yu suggested the following tips to enhance feng shui at home:
Tiger/Rabbit: Place anything that has to do with wood (including greens) at the eastern side of the house and increase wealth by adding some crystal pebbles.
Snake/Horse: Red coloured decorative items to be put at the south of the house.
Monkey/Rooster: Golden or yellow colour items to be placed in the west direction.
Rat/Pig: Place water decorative items such as an aquarium/fish bowl, spinning water decorations, glass/crystal vases with plants in the north.
Dog/Goat/Ox/Dragon: The so-called four heavenly kings for this year can expect a smooth and prosperous year ahead. To enhance luck and fortune, the southwest of the house can be decorated with items made from soil such as vases, ceramic pots and china decorations.
4 heavenly kings for the year? Am I really that favoured in 2007? How come there are no signs that my good fortunes have manifested yet?
*hand hitting forehead*
Oh yeah, it's still dog year...yar yar...patience Adeline, patience!
Sunday, February 04, 2007

The good thing about this free LoveFilm DVD trial is that I get to watch films which I've missed over the years, as well as movies whose DVDs I refuse to buy because I know I won't watch again.
Spiceworld was the most recent one they dispatched to me.
While it fitted the first description, I'm not sure if it does the second. Yeah alright, everyone said it was a 'worse than tacky' movie, which I have to agree to a certain extent because there is no storyline to it whatsoever (or maybe it was just too weak to be known as one). But I enjoyed it. Thoroughly. I can't remember the last time a movie has made me laugh so hysterically, and at the same time, reminded me so much of yesteryears, which doesn't seem that far away but is some time ago. Say what you want but I grew up with the Spice Girls. I can't turn back time!
The film was loosely based upon the Famous 5, and how it was like being famous and the fickleness that came with it. Paparazzo hounding their every move, insinuating journalists deliberately twisting their words, and the ever influential media sensationalising their actions. As much as they hated it, I hope they won't forget that it was after all, merchandising and publicity that had contributed much to the Spice phenomenon.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
What's bad?
"Hey, how you doin'?"
I'm not the type of person who says "fine, thank you" without actually meaning it. So I said what I really felt.
"Haha Val, not good. Not very good."
He twitched his eyebrows, slowed his steps down the stairs, and gave me a quizzical look and said, "Why, what's bad?"
I reacted the same way he reacted - eyebrow twitching, pace-slowing, puzzled-looking.
What's bad?
I don't know!
So stunned and caught off guard was I that I only managed to shrug my shoulders and said something lame like, "Erm, nah, see you later" without actually answering his question.
For the first time it has dawned on me that although life sucks at the mo, there's nothing bad about it. Absolutely nothing. I could be in a state worse than the one I'm in right now, so really, what's bad, Miss Tan?
Just count your blessings and be grateful that you're still alive and kicking to enjoy so many good and simple things in life.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Exhale (Shoop, Shoop)
Sometimes it's wrong
Sometimes it's right
For every win, someone must fail
But there comes a point when...
When we exhale (yeah, yeah)
Sometimes you'll laugh
Sometimes you'll cry
Life never tells us
The when's or why's
When you've got friends
To wish you well
You'll find your point when
You will exhale (yeah, yeah)
Hearts are often broken
When there are words unspoken
In your soul there's answers to your prayers
If you're searching for a place you know
A familiar face, somewhere to go
You should look inside yourself...
You're halfway there!
What a soothing song, Whitney. My frazzled nerves need a lot of calming down indeed!