Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Get a Grip

Sourced from Fotosearch
I couldn't believe my 'luck' yesterday.

Was 3/4 through with Monday's blog entry when one silly click on 'back' from Preview erased every single alphabet I've typed for the past 30 mins!


Okay, chill, it's just a one-off thing. Fine, let's try again.

Oh yeah right, I repeated the damn mistake, again!

That's when I've had enough, and went to my book for solace. Currently reading Not That Kind of Girl by Catherine Alliot. Unbelievably gripping, even if it didn't have a thriller theme (it's actually a grown-up, domesticated, womanly chick lit without the hedonistic you usually get from books of this genre). Nah, I don't read thrillers, I find them too heavy for my worrysome mind. Also used to be a fan of tear-jerkers too, but when I am in a stressed-out state like now, the last thing I want is to be crying everytime I turn a page! So Jodi Picoult, you'd have to wait!

Stressed-out? Why lah, kan dah handed in coursework?

Yeah, but that's just the tip of an iceberg. I still have a million and one things to do, and it's not so much of whether I can do them or not (sure I can...if there's one thing I can do, it's to give myself a much needed affirmation!), but it's more of do I have the time?

Since the beginning of last term, I've noticed that my time-management skills seemed to have taken a down turn. In hindsight, 2nd year was way more hectic (in the sense that I had more on my plate than I do this year), but yet I was on top of mostly everything. If only that could be said of 2006/2007!

Oh well, I guess I still have another 5 months to remedy it before labelling 06/07 not as productive as 05/06. I know I have to cut down on the equivalent of junk-food in time management terms, like less MSN time (which I have quite successfully managed), less dreaming-of-pretty-boy time (er, this one I still have to work on :P), less rolling-in-bed time (Miss Tan, stop snoozing your alarm clock!).

Just like dieting (which I'm quite lucky not to have to worry about), I need a massive boost of discipline. Now, pardon me for being Joey-like, but where do you suppose I get that from?


Roland Hulme said...

Oh GOD. I know how losing all that work can feel like. I lost 6,000 words once because of a stupid save error.

And BLOGGER's the WORST for that.

Nice blog! I went to Uni in Wales.

Seen John Barrowman from Torchwood around? He lives there too, I think.

Anonymous said...

I think all of us who are using Bloggers have experienced that *cold sweat, trembling hands* moments when the entry disappeared before our very eyes!

Therefore I have the habit of Ctrl A + Ctrl C my entry before I click anything, even Publish. This way Ctrl V can always get my entry back. :)

Oh lemme add something, I do the same for comments as well. Especially when it's a long one.

Anonymous said...

hey 'timon', LOVE your blog to bits! keep writing and miss you much! take care!

Munny said...

Rolski: So there's more to Cardiff celebs than Charlotte Church...mmm, not bad.

Xin Yi: Good tip. Will try that the next time.

Anonymous: Thanks Pumbaa. Eh, next time leave your name lah. Who are you hiding from? Simba?