Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Every Cloud Has A Platinum Lining...

sourced from fotosearch.com

...because silver isn't good enough for me.

Yesterday was the first day back at Uni. Rejuvenated from a 6-week lay off? Hmm, a little bit, but like everyone else, I'd love to have a longer break...not so much to curi tulang, but to catch up on revision carried over from last year...oh well, I guess I'd just have to work doubly hard this term :(

Came back from lectures around noon time to find 2 email replies from hospitals I've applied to for summer placements.

I hurriedly checked them with moutain-high expectations.

But the anticipation of good news fizzled out like a can of soft drink when opened.

One regretted to inform me that I wasn't chosen to go for the interview, and the other said they've brought forward the application deadline to 15th of Dec last year (ie they won't be considering any more).

To say I was in low spirits was a total understatement. And knowing me, I don't take rejections gracefully (as I should have).

Had a chat with fellow coursemate later on and it was a good thing she had a strong character, or else she would have came out of my room having as bleak an outlook as the negativity and dismay I've tainted her with.

Rejections from 2 (out of at least 40 hospitals) I've applied to is a bit pre-mature to be pessimistic about isn't it? Ordinarily I would have thought so, but since early Jan when I started my hospital placement application frenzy, I've gotten replies from only a handful of hospitals, and not one of them is conclusive. All they are saying is they have received my applications and they shall contact me in the future should I be successful. So naturally, I would view any email that had come from a nhs.uk address to be (as what they've led me to believe) a sign of good tidings, no?

Unfortunately that wasn't the case.

I don't know if the person who coined this Chinese saying of "the higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment" is pessimistic or simply wise, but you can't blame me for aiming high!

Oh well, this placement allocation thingy is still in its early days. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

Down and in a pout I was, but down and out I won't be.

That's not in my genetic make-up.


Anonymous said...

I can understand ur disappointment, I would be likewise if I were in ur shoes. anyway, am proud of ur determination. self motivation is crucial here and u have it in ur mind. hang in there, and all the best in the placement.

Anonymous said...

I can understand ur disappointment, I would be likewise if I were in ur shoes. anyway, am proud of ur determination. self motivation is crucial here and u have it in ur mind. hang in there, and all the best in the placement.

Munny said...

Your encouragement is much appreciated!