It was nice of them to invite pharmacy students as well so yours truly happily tagged along. Eh free food wor, why not...
Sarah, the Irish pharmacist I work with (lurrrrrrve her accent), was nice enough to ask her boyfriend to give me a lift so that saved me the trouble of Googling the place, which, to be honest, is hard to find if a) you've never wandered past Cardiff city and b) you ain't got a car, both of which apply to me, perfectly.
I met a couple my coursemates from Uni there, as well as my personal tutor Dr. Dai John (who locums for them on a Sat at Whitchurch Road) and Peter, the ever so brilliant lab demonstrator who Dr. Emma Kidd can't stop enthusing about (MPharm IIIs would recognise him from P'col lab classes).
It wasn't like I was shy or anything, but I just wasn't in my skin during that mingling session, probably because I don't know most of the people there. Alright, so what's the big deal, I can always strike up a conversation right, what's so hard about that? But the truth is, I don't really know what to talk to these people, really. Like when they were talking about Christmas time and what they do and where they go, well, I don't celebrate Christmas, and I don't got home during the hols, so what is there to say except "oh I'll be in Cardiff the whole time. Yeah, sad I know". And then smile.
Or like when they were talking about their boyfriends and how they met their partners and when did they move in with them and how their men proposed and what kinda weddings they were planning for etc. No wonder Bridget Jones is always complaining about smug marrieds!
I might be single alright, but I'm not alone!
Thank God time didn't stop for even one second and dinner was served before we knew it. Finally I could give my cheeks a rest from all the smiling which was the only thing I did in the last 60 minutes.

Starters for me was salsa jacket skins, and if you think that looked saliva-icious, let me confirm by saying it WAS delicious. Was so hungry I devoured over the plate within a minute. Who cares about table manners?

Oh well, thankfully I didn't take any cue from Becky who deliberately didn't finish her jacket skins because she wanted to leave some room for main course.
It wasn't until dessert came that I finally decided to stop cursing the poor piece of meat.

Haha, now that you know ice-cream can make me say yes to anything, don't you go exploiting this weakness of mine!
In summary, I had an OK time. Could have been better if I participated in more conversations as opposed to smiling like an idiot 99% of the time, but that said, I was mainly there for the dinner and also to check out what a grown up Christmas party is like, so yeah, no qualms.
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