Yo peeps!!!
Yup, you don't have to say, I know. It's been a while since you've heard anything from yours truly. My bad my bad.
Well, it's not as if I have been over the top busy, but busy enough to not have time to blog (if that makes sense). But yeah, something has to be done about my work-life balance though that's for sure.
Anywayyyy, all is good. I'm fine. Alive and kicking.
In fact I turned 23 on Saturday! I had a good birthday, thanks for all your well wishes, greetings, emails, and presents. You guys really made my day!
Special thanks to sister dearest for her hand-made card, sent all the way from home (sweet home). Yanny, you're the best! Sister and draw-er, haha.
Righteo folks, more updates soon, I promise. Watch this space!